
Please choose which categories are most relevant to your work. For example, if you model, then the category Glamour model might be the most suitable category, but unless you create your own content you wouldn’t register for the content creator category, for example. Please note, if you register for the wrong category admin reserve the right to change your category to a more appropriate one or remove your profile from the website.

You may choose up to 3 categories and enter once only. You may have 1 profile only, with up to 3 categories. Creating extra profiles will lead to disqualification from the competition.

Please ensure to fill out all fields and follow the instructions for the style of photos required.  The first photo uploaded will need to be portrait (upright) and the second photo landscape (horizontal).

Please ensure you fill out your social media links as we will need these to promote you.

Thank you and best of luck from all of us at The Glamourazzi Awards.